Monday, April 7, 2008

One Sad Day 2 Say Life Is 2 Short

Friday April 4, 2008 Allen and his family got murdered in their home early Friday morning. Allen was a very sweet person. We both attended E. W. Earle Elementary and was in the same 1st grade class. It seem like yesterday when we was six and use to laugh at each other when one of us use to get in trouble by MS. Guess. When we got split up into different class we grew apart from each other. I transferred when I was in 6 grade because I had to move. After moving I didn't really see him often and when I would I just buying us being so young and hanging around two different groups we didn't say much to eachother and I regret that. A couple of years passed and I moved back round their. I remember when I was walking down his block and he was in the front of his house and spoke to me and I was happy to see him after all these years. It feels strange to me when I see some of my childhood friends because I never thought that we would ever grow apart. I'm happy to say Allen graduated from Dunbar High school Class of 2007 and he just started attending college with no kids. It's very hard to find someone with no kids that lives in the Englewood area.

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