Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Ultimate Driving Experience

The setting would be the summer time when the sun just went down. I would be driving a 745 (BMW) that would be red like the color of a fresh apple. I would go and pick up my grandfather, auntie Brenda and my x-boyfriend Erice. We would take along ride to a beautiful beach where you can smell the fresh water. We would look back and talk about the things that happened in the passed. It wouldn't really matter where we would go as long as we all are together. Then we would go out for ice cream and cake and then back on the road..............

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my Junior year and I was in Ms.Eggert Honors college Alga class. The class was challenging. Ms. Eggert was a very good teacher because she taught in away that everyone understood. She showed us how to do problems step by step. I had a hard time with The Unit Circle and she helped me out a lot with it.